November. Thankfulness.

This week as been a crazy one but the biggest thing that I’m thankful for this week is that my draft for senior thesis is done and turned in; now I can actually be excited about going home Thanksgiving and Ashley and Goode’s wedding tomorrow. So, here we go with the Thankfulness.

13. This precious friend. Morgan. Tuesday after Shiloh, we sat and talked for over an hour. It was a great conversation and one that was very much needed for both of us. I’m so thankful for your friendship, Morgan. I love you!

Me and Morgan on Bid Day.

14. Highlands. My wonderful, incredible church here in Birmingham. I’m so blessed to go an awesome church where God is moving. Wednesday night was motion night and I was just reminded what a special place that it is.

15. My brother. Joshua. Joshua turned 18 yesterday and made me feel like so old. I can’t believe he’s an legal adult now. My brother is the greatest and even though we didn’t always get along but I love him so much. I miss him more than I ever thought I would. I’m thankful for you and thankful that you’re alive and healthy, I love you!

Joshua on our Thanksgiving Cruise last year.

16. These two special girls. Susannah, my cousin is a freshman at Alabama and we got to have lunch today. It was great to catch up and hear about how crazy life at Alabama is. I love only being 45 minutes from her. I love you, Susannah.


Me and Susannah on the Thanksgiving Cruise

Kels. Today is this woman’s 23rd birthday. I’m so blessed to be able to call you friend. I’m so thankful that you’ve been a part of my life since elementary school. You are always encouraging and know the right things to say. I love you, Kels.

After Miss Alabama this summer. Can’t wait to watch you rock it again as Miss Cullman Area.

“In God we have boasted all day long, and we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah.” Psalm 44:8

Can’t believe that Thanksgiving is less than a week away and I’m ready to head home on Tuesday to be reunited with my friends. The thankfulness is overflowing and I’m looking forward to being home with my family for a little while.

Check back for Thankfulness on the 20th!


4 thoughts on “November. Thankfulness.

  1. Christ-Follower says:

    Congrats on finishing your senior thesis! I’m a first year at SU, and I can’t imagine just how difficult the senior classes are going to be based upon how hard my freshman classes are. Going to Highlands for the first time tomorrow. Hope it’s as wonderful as you say!



    • ruthannecrews13 says:

      It’s not finished yet, just the draft. Senior classes are different than freshman ones and though they may seem harder, they are more concentrated and are things that you actually enjoy instead of things you have to take. It is awesome, tomorrow starts At the Movies and it is going to be fantastic. I’lll be at the 9:30 service, maybe I’ll see you there!


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